Expensive Skin

How much do you invest towards self-care?

Self-care is a broad subject and doesn’t have to cost you monetarily, yet still is an investment into your overall well being.  Self-care is unique and personal to each individual ranging from physical activity, emotional, psychological, spiritual and professional.  For some, even a morning cup of coffee is needed to jump start the day! Now, I’m not a coffee drinking and I personally consider that an addiction rather than self-care, lol; however I can see how having a cup of tea every morning, relaxing while fulfilling my spiritual self-care routine.

Would you consider a full-face makeup application “self-care”?

It is mind-boggling to me, how women will pay $75 or more for a full face makeup service but are quick to holla, ” that a skin care regimen is too expensive!” Don’t get me wrong, depending on the level of expertise and experience I will spend $$$ for a makeup application and not think twice; upon the occasion. I will also spend $$$ on skincare for daily self-care routine.  The thought of spending $$ towards eye shadows, foundations, blush and the list goes on, is a waste to me.  I’ll just leave that to the makeup professionals and invest into perfecting my skin so that makeup daily isn’t a MUST, but an option.  Truth be told and just a word of advice, “your makeup artist would really appreciate it too, if you would exfoliate all those millions of dead skin cells off your face before your next makeup service.”

What is the message behind your investment towards self-care?

I’m almost certain the first thing other people notice about you is something about your face. Rather be it, your smile, your eyes, or lashes; unless they see you from the back first and are distracted by something else, our face is within the top 2 things people notice first.  We too often neglect to take care of our skin through daily preventative maintenance, yet cover up skin concerns making the matter worse instead of correcting.  Great skin boost confidence, while your skin gets battered by the harmful effects of environmental aggressors, we must do our part to protect our skin as it protects our body from many viruses and bacteria we are exposed to daily.  Healthy, great skin begins with a great regimen and on my list, it is the second most important self-care routine to practice.  I encourage everyone to do better at protecting your skin against the signs of aging, exposure to sun rays, controlling acne breakouts and much more.

I am your beauty expert and want to empower you and help elevate your self-confidence, invest in yourself! Your older “you” will appreciate you later.

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